Sunday, May 3, 2009

Such Brotherly Love

Friday night Bryce put the kids in bed and came down to the office where we were both working on things we needed to get done. A few minutes had gone by and we could hear the boys up in their room playing. Bryce went up, Landen was out of his bed, they got in trouble, he put them back in bed and came back down stairs. Not even 2 minutes later Braxtonn came down stairs to tattle that Landen was out of bed. Back upstairs went Bryce, Landen got spanked, put back in bed and Bryce came back down stairs to keep working on his stuff. This happened a few times and we couldn't figure out why. Landen is really pretty good to stay in bed and usually after getting in trouble once he doesn't try it again, but not tonight. Since we were getting frustrated and a little bit suspicious, Bryce stayed upstairs and listened at the boys' bedroom door. Bryce heard whispering and quickly opened the door and asked to Braxton, "What did you say?" Landen was quick with the response, "GET OUT." Braxton was busted. When Braxton thought that Bryce had gone back down stairs he started whispering to Landen telling him to get out of bed. When Landen would get out, Braxton felt it was his duty to come down stairs and tell on him, watch Landen get in trouble and start the mess all over again! WHAT A STINKER! I couldn't believe it. I felt so bad for Landen for getting in trouble so many times when Braxton was coaching him to do it! I am worried that this is a start of things to come. It is probably getting about time to get Landen out of the crib but I am not ready for this change to come. Usually he is good to stay in his crib (even though he can easily climb out) and I don't think he would stay on a regular bed long enough to fall asleep. Is getting a cage considered child abuse???? Just kidding. :)


The Shelley Family said...

I wont say ONE WORD about the spanking....nope.
Nothing wrong with cages...nope.
its just a crib with a lid :)
I think it is hilarious that Landen busted Braxton! He isnt used to having Landen speak up, is he? lol
Maybe its time to break out the baby monitor...just to listen in on the nightly conversations ;)
Funny Post!

Amie said...

I didn't even think about using a baby moniter! Such a great idea. Thanks Karen!