Sunday, May 17, 2009

Progress Has Been Made

Life has been a little crazy so blogging went by the way side for a bit. The week before Mother's Day I finally had a day to work in the yard to get my "to-do" list checked off. After working 12 hours straight, my new garden spots were finished, compost placed, weeds pulled and new plants in their spots! I am so excited to have that big one out of the way!!! I should have taken before and after pictures but it wouldn't have done it justice. My biggest accomplishment is that I have more garden space, I survived all million spiders under the deck and even made friends (okay- not friends.. aquaintances) with a snake. Fortunately for both of us he found a different home... for now.

The list is getting checked off a bit at a time so it seems to be tine to start a whole new one! :)

I had a fantastic Mother's Day weekend! Abbey and Braxton were dying to give me breakfast in bed and since Sundays are such crazy days around our house we decided to celebrate it on Saturday. At 7 am on the dot they were up like lightening bolts making toast, a banana and a glass of milk for me. The kids joined me in bed and we all ate my breakfast together. Abbey was quick with refills of fruit loops and they were lucky that Bryce was gone motorbiking so that there was space for them to snuggle in. I loved the little presents with their hand prints and such. They filled out a little paper about me in primary and here are a few of their answers:


Mom's favorite food: corn (I am glad a healthy food stuck in his mind and not all of the treats I eat!)

Mom likes to: do the dishes, make the bed and brush her teeth. (I had to laugh at this one! He watches me do these things a ton!)

Favorite things about my mom: when she watches tv w/ me, she's nice. (I guess I don't need to keep thinking of creative things to do w/ him since he LOVES tv!)

Mom loves it when I: make my bed (YES I DO!)


Mom's favorite food: "mixaken"-- mexican. (I do love it)

Mom likes to: spend time w/ me and my family. (Of course I do!)

Mom's favorite color: rainbow, black and white.

Favorite things about my mom: She is nice. She is helpful. She reads to me. She makes good cookies. (THANKS ABBEY!)

Mom loves it when I: help her and am nice. (YES I DO!)

I had to crack up cause Abbey had decided that she doesn't want to be called "Abbey" anymore at school and has now started signing all of her stuff "Abigail." It is her official name but it cracks me up. She made herself a new desk nametag for school w/ it changed.

LANDEN-- made me a fruit loop necklace in nursery and could hardly wait to give it to me till 3 seconds went by and he wanted it back. His white dress shirt was rainbow colored within seconds but he was quiet for a few minutes.

I have some fantastic kids and it makes me feel so great to read these little things from their eyes that they love me. They weren't liking me quite so much a bit later when they were back to doing their chores.

One more proud moment on Mother's Day: Braxton gave his first talk in primary! He has done scriptures and prayers before but never a talk. He did a FABULOUS job! Bryce helped him, kept it short and he stood right up to do it. WAY TO GO BRAXTON!


Annie Jane said...

Way to go! To do lists are hard work! I hope to figure out gardening sooner than later. Really, though, I love to read your journaling, because it makes me feel better about myself that someone else out there experiences the same high expectations and miserable frustrations that i do! You sure are a good and kind mother! It is obvious you live your life with purpose and love.

The Shelley Family said...

Good Job Amie :) I am glad for you..that u are getting your list taken care item at a time :)
your kids are sure lucky to have u for a mom!
they are great kids (as u know) and i love ya!

Celeste said...

There's something great about getting your yard work done. I guess it is something we moms can do and the kids won't mess it up (hopefully). And it makes such a difference. Good Job!!!

It was fun to read the kids questions too. Happy late Mother's Day :)

Bezzant family said...

I heard through the first grade loop about the Abigail name change. They are so funny!

Shannon said...

You are a great mom Aimee! I appreciate the honesty in your posts. We mom's really do go through many similar things!