Friday, May 29, 2009


I saw this link on my friend Angi's blog a while back and it totally inspired me and gave me a greater sense of self worth thinking about the talents that Heavenly Father has created me with. I tend to down play anything that I feel might be a strength or talent but after watching this I know I shouldn't be embarrassed about talents I am blessed with. It also gave me inspiration and validation on things that I like to do and "create."

Now- here is an assignment for all of YOU... all of you! Bloggers or not. Please comment and share at least one thing that you have created. Help inspire each of us with the talents you have been given!

I will start:

*I am blessed with the talent to organize things and create order from clutter
*I like to create beauty outside with flowers, plants, etc... Still working on this one but at the moment my plants are still alive!
*I do like to do artwork. I really enjoyed doings grayscale pictures w/ pencil and hope to one day have time to work on that again.
*I love to create "treats" (cookies, brownies, cakes, all sorts of tasty things to eat). When I mean "create" though- I follow somebody's recipe... but to me it is still a creation! :)

PLEASE share some of your talents! It will make my day!!!


The Shelley Family said...

U are a very talented woman! Love Ya!

Amie said...

You didn't post your talents! I know that you definately have a talent for writing & story telling!

The Shelley Family said...

I just re-read that part of your post! lol...oops!
hmmmm...a talent :)
Another one of your talents is that you are a good listener :)
As far as my talents...i will just go with what u said! :)

Shannon said...

Though provoking post, Aimee. I appreciate the challenge. I generally don't think I have many talents. I can't sing or play any instrument well enough to let any other human being hear me. I am not athletic. I can't dance to save myself.
I can create many things with graphics. Some people pay me to do those things.
I can write stories and use words well.
I see good in others.

Why is that so hard for me?

Rands Family said...

Well Amie thanks for this challenge. I would have to say that my talents are listing to others and being able to use my or others lives stories to help them change there lives for the better and have them know that someone whent throught something similuar that they went through and how they turned out. I also like to write childrends stoires and hope one day that I will get them pupblished. I also feel that my singing (if I use the spirit) will change peoples lives. I would have to agree with your sister that you are talented and I like that I can call and chat with you at anytime and you will listen to me.

Celeste said...

I have to say that you downplayed your talents. I have to say that one talent that sticks out with me most is kindness.

Me, I don't think about that much, but I have to say I love to cook (really bake), and it is edible most of the time :)

Amie said...

Celeste makes AWESOME homemade bread for sure! She is also REALLY patient with her kids, good at home decorating and is great sticking to her budget.