Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sledding @ Valley View Dec. 2010

It was the first day of Christmas Vacation for Bryce, it had FINALLY snowed the day before and we knew it wasn't going to last. The weather called for rain and no matter what, it was getting warm enough to melt the snow that day. We had to take advantage of the moment so right after we cleaned up the house we headed out the door for some good old fashioned sledding... well maybe not old fashioned... but it was fun! :)

Landen had a blast and just kept going and going and going! We had moved down to another hill and he hadn't even noticed cause he was too busy heading up that hill for another run.

There is my hunk of burning love (I am referring to Bryce since my captions never end up posting where I type them) and sweet Mason. Oh so Cute!!!

Mason didn't really react when he went down the hill with Bryce. He almost looked bored. I think he was still trying to figure out why he couldn't move his arms or legs in that snowsuit!

Abbey braving a face first run down the hill. I love her smile!

Braxton is our SUPER SLEDDER! He loved to try and maximize his speed and thrill.

I HAD to take this picture of Mason. He has this look like,"Can you believe my mom is making me wear this hat???!!"

It started to rain and cut our fun short but nobody complained cause NOW IT'S TIME FOR HOT CHOCOLATE!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That must have been the day I saw you guys out there as I was driving by and I stopped in the middle of the road totally staring at you! LOL. :)