Friday, January 21, 2011


I am obsessed with food. Treats to be exact. And it is getting bad. Making treats for the past few holidays has only fueled my obsession. With the holidays to blame it on it made me feel normal. Now that they are over I have started to realize how obsessed I truly am. Some people may roll their eyes if they read this... and that is ok... but I am serious! I think about treats 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I wake up in the morning wanting something tasty, and it isn't Cheerios (unless they are drizzled with a sugar syrup, mixed with coconut and a bunch of other cereals to make cereal candy) and it doesn't stop ALL DAY LONG! At night it gets 10 times worse cause the kids aren't around to "bust me." I have been justifying my sweets with the fact that many of them are of little or "no fat." Then I started developing a pot gut. Those "little or no fat treats" are taking a toll. And the other not so fat free treats are taking a bigger toll. I am not trying to say that I am excessively overweight or anything but definitely not at my best. I also know that I am a high energy person and really don't sit down much the entire day. I choose to hussle up the stairs to put things away and do almost everything at a fast paced step to get my list of to-do's done. This also requires me to snack a bit to have enough energy to make it to lunch or dinner without crashing or feeling shaky. Treats are an easy, delicous and horrible choice!

I kept telling myself that if I were busier it would take my mind off treats/candy. But I already feel super busy! I can barely keep up with all of my responsibilities as it is now. Also, while I am super busy doing laundry, dishes, cleaning, driving carpool, fixing dinner, attending church and all the other things I get to do my mind just keeps thinking about what candy would taste good or where I can sneak a bite of cookie.

I don't know how people deal with other addictions cause this is driving me NUTS! I have started exercising several days a week and in years past that has been helpful. For some reason if I am exercising I tend to eat heathier. I am also chewing more gum to avoid eating candy and brushing my teeth right after dinner to get the food taste out of my mouth. Plus, I always hate to eat something right after brushing, it doesn't ever taste right.

I am by no means going cold turkey on treats. I do need to somehow gain some self control. Something I haven't had to do with treats my whole life (till the last few years). If they were around, I could pretty much eat as much as I wanted and not notice many effects.

Well anyway, there you have it. I must now go and do something else before I whip up a batch of cookies or tear open the bag of skittles in the basement. Maybe there is a 10 step program for food addicts????


meacham said...

you can always send me your goodies. LOL

The Shelley Family said...

blame it on the winter season =) u make such yummy goodies! i have been craving lots of things this winter..and its showing =(
i miss the days when we could eat whatever with no problem!
u look amazing as always Amie!!!
until this thing passes...keep in mind that sugar cookies are YUMMY! sugar cookies...frosting...sugar cookies..frosting...sugar cookies...frosting...sugar cookies

Fairbourn Family said...

my problem is that I am trying to remember that I am not pregnant anymore, so I am just gaining weight. Maybe we sister's need to work out together. :) That would be fun!

Celeste said...

I am feeling that way too! My recent obsession is how many different ways can I make popcorn. There are lots and I eat way too much of it!

I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessing about the next treat :)