Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Glimpse of Heaven...

There are lots of struggles in life, raising kids and the whole sorts so I just love the little sweet moments that make you step back, take a deep breath and say, "Ah ha! It might just be worth it!"

Monday was just one of those days that seemed forever long, I was worn out and Bryce had to be gone during dinner to meet with a friend for a minute. It was quickly approaching time for our FHE activity and treat. I went down to the basement for a moment of peace and inspiration on what we could do that was easy and hopefully successful. I grabbed our memory game and some skittle packs from the food storage and headed back upstairs with a prayer for fun. We ate our skittles while we played the game and it was SO MUCH FUN!! We were all giggling, talking, taking turns and getting excited about each person's success. This is a breakthrough for us! Especially for Braxton! He has really struggled with sportsmanship and even though he didn't win, not a peep of negativity was shown. I didn't want the game to end (and it wasn't just the fact that I was actually winning) but I wanted to hold on to that moment forever! Maybe if we keep it up with Family Home Evening we will have another success one of these days! :)

Another tender moment comes in the middle of the night on generally a nightly occassion. At some point in the night Mason usually wakes up crying and is ready for a bottle. Begrudgingly I pull myself out of bed, make a bottle and head back upstairs and feed him. After all of my "woe is me" thoughts on being woken up, Mason finishes his bottle and snuggles up into my chest and onto my shoulder completely relaxed and at peace. He doesn't really snuggle much anymore cause he is too busy moving around. The nightly snuggle only lasts a minute or so and I just breath in the sweet smell of baby, enjoy his tender little chubby cheeks squished up against me and marvel that Heavenly Father trusted me with such a sweet little guy. I lay him back in bed and stumble back to my own bed grateful I get that sweet moment only once a night! :)

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