Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas 2010!

For the 1st time in our married life we didn't go to Idaho for Christmas.... at all! It was kindof weird! Fortunately almost all of Bryce's family was here in Utah so we were able to see them all over the holidays. It was kindof a bummer to not have that excitement to head up there for all of the fun and festivities but in another way it was nice to just hang out in my pj's all day and not care what time it was or how slow we were all moving.

Also for the 1st time in our married life we were able to have Bryce's parents, Tim and Tricia, spend Christmas with us and that was SO MUCH FUN!!! We loved spending time with them. They are always a treat to have around.

For Christmas Eve we started off the day with our Cousin Cookie making party, played with cousins and just before dinner had a quick clean up so that I could feel relaxed and enjoy the holiday. We spent Christmas Eve dinner over at my mom's house with most of my siblings and their families. That was fun and went by in a flash. The highlights of that time were the crackling of a woodburning fire in mom and dad's fireplace and the wagon rides around the neighborhood pulled by one of dad's John Deere tractor with him in the driver's seat. We bundled up and sang Christmas carols as we drove past all sorts of beautiful Christmas lights. It was fun cause even my Uncle Kenneth joined in with us and sang Christmas carols. The fog that was settling in around everything gave it even a more magical feeling to the night. Of course we had to rush off from that to get the kids home in bed for Santa's big arrival that night. But just before bed we stopped to check on our basket of cotton to see if it was full enough to be comfortable for the arrival of Baby Jesus. Our family had been working hard all month doing secret acts of service and adding cotton to the basket to fill it up with love. I have to say that we did a pretty darn good job!

Here is a quick shot of the kids as we were getting ready to head out the door for Christmas Eve dinner. Abbey was all ready in her pj's... I think that she was just SLIGHTLY excited!

I love this picture of Landen! He is still half asleep Christmas morning but has discovered something in the Christmas treee and is so excited to tell everyone about it!
The boys opening a present from Santa that was sent to the both of them. It was their punching bag! Braxton had to climb right inside the box to check it all out.

A surprise for Abbey was a Babysitting Barbie. This is something that she hadn't asked for so time will tell to see if she really likes it or not. She isn't a big Barbie player but she also has about every baby accessory under the sun! Abbey also got pixos and a book that she had been hoping for.

Landen went over and gave Abbey a big hug. Abbey had given each person in the family a present and his was one of her old copies of the Book Of Mormon. He was very excited and I am glad that I could capture the moment.

Santa surprised Braxton with some cap guns and plenty of rolls of caps! 2400 shots to be exact. He loves them, but I still think that Grandpa Bezzant (my dad) loved them EVEN MORE! If that is at all possible! I don't mind them shooting them in the house... if I know that they are going to shoot them. I want to choke somebody though when I get caught off guard. Braxton has had many shootouts and you better watch out... he is getting quick!

Santa also surprised Abbey with a karaoke machine. She was so gracious when she openened it up but had no idea what it was. Braxton (of all people) had to explain to her what it was! Needless to say she LOVES it and there aren't very many moments in the day that the machine is not on.

Mason missed the early morning rush and but he didn't sleep in too late. He wasn't too big on actually opening any presents. He did love the ball that Santa brought to him in his stocking!

Mason loved to squish the presents, pull on the ribbons and suck on the wrapping paper... forget about actually opening any of them. Just as we figured.

Abbey is helping Landen untie a ribbon from his present. Inside that giant bag was a generic pillow pet given to him from Bryce and I. He and Abbey both got one for Christmas so now the three older kids each have one. It is the size of Landen! He can hardly carry the thing around! He also got a "big boy" razor scooter and some legos.

I finally broke down and we got the kids an XBox 360 with the kinnect. Bryce has been wanting a Wii forever and I didn't want to ever spend the money to get one. We probably still wouldn't have one except that Braxton LOVES to play video games and he constantly wants to try and play Bryce's adult combat games on his old x-box. We needed something more kid friendly and I like that this made them get up off the couch to play. It has a camera in the kinnect part that senses your movements so you have to actively jump, punch, steer etc... on the games to control them. It has been a lot of fun so far.

We had to try and see if Mason would open up anything. He liked playing with the sippy cups he got but isn't a fan of drinking out of them so far. He just preferrs his bottle or a regular cup.

Here are Bryce's parents. They are so cute! We made them a "Grandma / Grandpa's ABC book" filled with things that we love about them. It took WAY more work that I had originally thought but was well worth it. We also made ones for my parents but we don't have any pictures of them.

Abbey singing her heart out to her karaoke music. Her favorite songs are the Disney ones and Taylor Swift. She also loves to narrarate anything else that is going on with her microphone. There have been a few moments where I have thought that we need to have a chat with Santa on the presents he brings! :)

Braxton and Bryce playing with a tiny helicopter that Braxton got. They both LOVE this helicopter!
This year Bryce got off easy and didn't have anything to put together! How about that! He is mumbling a bit when he steps on Landen's legos all over the family room... living room... office... toy room... kitchen... :) Mason also loves Landen's legos and likes to haul them off to other rooms as he crawls around.
Anyway, we had a fantastic Christmas and we feel so lucky to be so blessed! It was just the best to be able to do so many fun things with our families. Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

meacham said...

What is Tricia and Tim looking at?