Wednesday, April 1, 2009

All PTA'ed Out

Today was the "World Fair" for Valley View Elementary School. As a room mom for Abbey's class that automatically put me in charge of a booth. I am not a big fan of arranging games so I chose to do the strawberry & cream booth. Luckily for me I have some great friends who came over and helped me for several hours this morning as we cut up 40 lbs of strawberries. (Thanks Stephanie and Shanda!) That was a lot of strawberries! I should have taken a picture of all the containers that we had filled up! (I was too tired and still had the rest of the day to go.) Bryce was sweet and came home a bit early to take care of the kids while I went down to the school to set up. Our booth was a success and we almost sold out of every strawberry! I do have some delicious icecream mix left and I am doing my best to not just go drink it straight from the carton! (I keep reminding myself of how many grams of fat and calories it must have and the extra work out time that would cause... so I decided to come and blog for a minute to get away from the fridge!)

Anyway- the kids had a great time at the fair. They had their hair spray painted, ate snow cones, cotton candy, lots of other treats, did a cake walk, panned for gold and who knows what else. (They came home completely sticky and full of sugar.) Bryce survived taking them all over the school with the million people who were there. He is a trooper and didn't even complain once!

I hope that the school made some great money cause I am worn out and ready for bed!


Rands Family said...

Sounds like you had a busy day. I bet that your hands were cramping up from all of that cutting. Yes I have been very busy. We are also shopping for car/home insurance because ours it tooo expensive. Today I have to take Alex back to the dr and the I it will be off to see the ENT on the 17th. We was complaning that he was hurting again yesterday. What color are you going to paint abbies room?

Oma said...


Stephanie said...

BTW - Thanks for the cream. I just have one word...YUM!!!! :)

Stephanie said...
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