Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Isn't Priesthood Conference Beautiful?

While the men were away... the women get together and play! :)
We had everyone over for dinner (including the boys) and then when they went off to their meeting, out came the beads and the creativity! We had fun making jewelry all night long! I wished we would have gotten pictures of everyone's masterpieces from the night but by the time we were all finished our eyes were bloodshot and our brains weren't functioning anymore. I have had to wait a few days to blog about this so that my fingertips could heal from trying to twist and bend wires all night.

A special THANKS to Lori, my sister-in-law, for her expert jewerly making skills and mounds of patience! We couldn't have done it without her!

Somehow my sister, Karen, and my friend, Ali, managed to skip out on getting their pictures taken but don't worry... I will get them one of these days!

Abbey showing off her works of art.

Left to Right: Hannah Shelley, Mikayla Shelley & Abbey Christensen. GORGEOUS GIRLS!!

What is cuter than Mikayla's jewelry??? Not a whole lot of things except her smile!

Here is poor Lori working her guts out helping everyone with their stuff. She never gets to make anything for herself since she helps us all night long. In her own spare time though she makes some fantastic pieces. Checkout the stuff she is wearing in the picture... all hand made by her! GO Lori!

Lori, Mikayla, Mom, Lisa & Kristie beading away!

Kristie's baby girl, Whitney, enjoying the night of fun... as long as the wild boy cousins stay away! :)

Abbey with her cousin, Hannah. I think that they had a great time and make lots of cute bracelets and more. They didn't want to stop. We finally had to just put the beads away for the night.

Here is Dave & Lori's little girl, Ila. She knew exactly what to do when the beads came out! She hopped right up in the chair and started stringing beads on the string without it even being cut off of the spool! I think that she gets personal lessons from Lori. :)

Thanks to everyone who came over that night. We had a great time. We will have to talk to the General Authorities though cause priesthood meeting doesn't last long enough for me to get more than a few beads done before they are home!


Lisa said...

It was really fun. Thanks for hosting!

Celeste said...

That looks like a lot of fun. I want to learn how to make those watches everybody has. Where is the picture of you?

Amie said...

No pictures of me.. that is the beauty of having the camera!

meacham said...

Amie your like me always taking picture and never in them. But you need to make sure your in some just so your children can look back and see what mom looked like hehehe
Aunt Joyce

The Shelley Family said...

Thanks so much for hosting and for the yummy food! We had alot of fun! U better get some pics of u next time so you have proof that u wore cool clothes and not elastic waist polyester pants! (sometimes kids remember stuff wrong~lol)
Thanks Lori for helping everyone~
And for the record...i didnt purposely avoid any pics...:)