Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Can I really make it?

When I see fast Sunday coming on the calendar I just want to crawl in a hole (with loads of food) and pretend I don't know the day is coming. How bad is that!?!? I totally know that fasting can result is so many miracles. I have seen it happen in my own life on more than one occassion... so why do I still have such a hard time with it?

Well, a few months ago I finally started to do my fasting the "right way." In the past (unless I really needed something) I would pretty much just starve myself all day. The result: grumpy, horrible headache, no energy and miserable to be around. Then I finally decided that maybe I can't do everything on my own. (I have a little bit of a control issue and hate to not be able to do it all on my own) It came around to fast Sunday and life was good and I couldn't really think about anything critical that I needed in my life so how was I going to make it all day fasting? I realized that I needed to fast for God's strength to help me make it through the day. WOW! I can't begin to tell you what a difference that made! The day wasn't exactly easy and I had to keep asking for help throughout the day but the strength and patience also kept coming as I asked for it. I really can't fully explain the experience. I definately came away with a sure knowledge that God is real, he is there for me and with his help I can do anything that is asked of me (even fasting all day)!

I wonder why it took me so long to learn this lesson... I am stubborn. I am working on being more humble and am embarrassed it has taken me so long to listen.


Celeste said...

It's crazy how stubborn we all are. We all know or have heard testimony that when we are doing all the things we are suppose to do in life, we are blessed beyond comprehension. Why is it so hard? Thanks for the testimony about fasting.

Rands Family said...

Ya I can understand how hard it is to fast. Espically when you are having kids or bereastfeeding and you can't fast. I had a hard time with it too because I had basically not fasted for 3 years so now I need to do it again. It is amazing how the Lord can bless you when you do it. Thanks for sharing the storie and testimony.

Shannon said...

I appreciate the honesty on the subject. I too have a hard time when that first Sunday of the month rolls around. I get hypo-glycemic and feel just horrible if I go too long, so I have tried some things that have helped so that I can still get the blessings of fasting withouth the repercussions of starvation.

Amie said...

Thanks for all of your comments! I love them and it makes feel so lucky that I have such great family and friends!!!