Monday, March 29, 2010

Tomorrow is the day!

I went to my appointment this morning and the doctor said that I have been patient long enough. He is going to break my water tomorrow morning and cross our fingers I go into labor. I will be one week and one day overdue. I am really excited!!! I have been doing laundry and cleaning up (typical Monday chores) all day to "be ready." The hospital told me I am the 2nd person on the "waiting list" so they will call me sometime between 6 am and 10 am to come over. They have to see how busy they get with other ladies and when a room will be available. I know I won't be able to sleep tonight. I think that the kids are all nervous cause they were acting like total stinkers this afternoon! We tried to take advantage of some time w/ them and we went out to KFC for dinner and then to Trafalga for a little bit of minature golf. It lightened their spirits and we had a great time. Amazingly enough nobody was wacked in the head by a golf club or ball the entire night!

Anyway- I am really excited if I haven't said that already!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Good luck! We'll all be thinking of you tomorrow and sending you good vibes with our amazing mind powers! You have been patient- you're a real trooper!