Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I have 15 minutes till my cinnamon rolls are done baking in the oven for relief society tonight and I am fighting to stay awake. I got woken up somewhere around 3 am this morning by Braxton being scared of something and he was trying to sneak into bed with us. Our kids DO NOT sleep in our bed with us so I was totally SHOCKED when Bryce gave in! (He must have been out of it or felt a TON of compassion on the kid.) Our queen sized mattress that has settled into a nice "V" shape in the middle isn't big enough for my pregnant stomach, the extra pillows I need for support, Bryce, his extra pillow and then Braxton. I wouldn't have been able to go back to sleep anyway but this didn't help so I have been awake since 3. I would like to be doing some other housework but my body can't stand up anymore for a bit so here I am journaling with the few minutes I have to kill.

Lucky, the leprachaun came to our house last night. He turned our milk green and left us w/ some little shamrock sugar cookies. The kids were really excited! It was a close call this year on wondering if he was going to come again but he managed to pull through at about 3 am.

I finally finished Mason's quilt and a little receiving blanket! I also put together a few flower hair clips for our relief society service auction tonight. When I finished last night the thought popped into my head,"After all these things were created, he rested for a season." I have a feeling that this is the end of my creative projects for a while and it's time to rest for a 'season'. Holding and feeding a baby is going to be my new thing for a while! :)

Here are some random pics though:

Proof that I really did get green rubberbands! Got to love the zits at the same time! GRRR!! It will be nice to get my hormones back under control and to also be able to start using my face medicine again after Mason is born!

Some of you who don't live close didn't believe me that my feet get all swollen. The skinny part up by my toes is where I had clog style shoes on w/ a strap that went around my ankle to suck in my feet. They have been worse than this but it kindof gives you a basic idea.

Got to love my sewing machine! It does what I need it to... straight stitch and a zig zag stitch! Thanks to my mother-in-law for giving it to me several years ago for Christmas!

Mason's receiving blanket.

Mason's quilt.

Flower clips for the Relief Society Service Auction.

Oh- I almost forgot! I went to the doctor today. I lost 3 lbs and I am dialated to a 2!!! My legs have stopped swelling up so much and I think that is the 3 lb weight loss. The orthodontic rubberband muzzle I have to wear for a few more days probably didn' t hurt either. (I didn't take a picture of those in my mouth cause I don't want to see it.)


The Shelley Family said...

CUTE!!!!! I love EVERYTHING!!! U have been a busy.. busy.. bee :) I am glad the Leprechaun visited your house! I think he must've gotten drunk and passed out somewhere at the end of the rainbow....he missed our house this year! maybe we will set a trap for the Easter Bunny? i am seeing pink/lavendar toilet water in my future...hehe

Tim said...

Oh my gosh! I think your poor feet are about the same size as they were when you were pregnant with Abbie. Good news though, it sounds like you are getting close to delivery.

Shannon said...

With the exception of those swollen feet (I sympathize, believe me!), your look FABULOUS!!! And the projects do too. I love the blanket!

I am getting closer to baby too... dilated to a 3, up at odd hours of the night, swelling, to big for my britches, etc. I look forward to the forced slow down from my hectic schedule and projects too. I love that babies make up stop and enjoy life's precious moments.

Keep me posted!

Rands Family said...

Your poor feet they must just hurt I am sorry. I Love all the hair bows and blankets that you made for Mason. I like the name too. Hope all goes well. Let me know if you need anything.