Monday, October 12, 2009


Today is just one of those days! But it seems like I am having them more often than not. I think Monday is especially worse though. Sunday takes ALL of my energy to keep up with the kids and my calling. It takes so much that it robs me of feeling good on Monday. I have also set up a bad schedule for myself and Mondays are one of my laundry days... what was I thinking putting it on a Monday?! Oh yeah- I thought if I did laundry on Mondays and Thursdays that would be an even amount of days in between to not think about it and to also get other things done. I am not one of those people who can do a load a day. I actually don't think I have enough laundry to do one full load a day... LUCKY ME!! I know that will quickly change when the baby comes though. I also need to "get it done" and not worry about it again for a few more days. I have enough chores that require my daily attention that laundry would just send me over the edge.

I think that I have also created another monster in my life. I keep busy doing so many things that my boys are left to play and entertain each other. The entertainment that they love the most is fighting. Braxton knows every button to push of Landen's to get him bawling his head off and that drives me NUTS!!! I know that Landen isn't always innocent either cause he has learned a few tricks up his sleeves to use too when Braxton is peacefully doing something on his own.

I always laugh when I see people posting that they have no time for their stuff and yet they are on facebook, blogging or whatever at the time. I think to myself, "If they would just get off the computer and get stuff done they would feel so much better!" Then I have days like today where I needed to sit down and vent to cope with the rest of the day.

I probably should have just taken the kids to the zoo when I was invited to go this morning. I wanted to go REALLY bad but looked around at what I had to do and knew that if I spent all of my energy at the zoo then I would feel even worse tomorrow when our day is already jam packed full of appointments and such. I also didn't want to hurt Abbey's feelings by going without her and wasn't sure that I should justify checking her out of school to go to the zoo. I doubt that she would have really missed a whole lot at school today with it being a short week and an early out day but the responsible side of my overpowered my fun side. (That happens alot.)

I still know that I am VERY blessed and couldn't even finish a list of my blessings before the day is over. I am glad that I have an automatic washer, dryer, dishwasher and all sorts of other things that make my chores a snap. I am now resolving to walk back into my life with a positive attitude and tell myself that I can happily enjoy today. We will survive Bryce being out of town for the next few days. Maybe the kids and I will have to go to KFC for family home evening since Bryce hates that place!! :) Now I am starting to think crazy thoughts so back to work I go!!!


Rands Family said...

Amie I understand whare you are comming from it is hard to get everything done that you want to get done in one day and have time for your kids. Somedays I feel like I am russing out the door when I have to go to work and I have told the kids that I would read to them and I do not read to them. I feel like you just have to take it 1 day at a time and do what you can do and if you do not get everything done then there is nothing else that you can do. If you need something please let me know. I would total go to KFC tonight you beed a break from cooking and your kids would LOVE going out to eat. Sorry we didn't see you for your birthday.

Cristy said...

Crazy thoughts are good! I say, give yourself a break! It's not like you are the Primary President and the mother of 3, with one on the way, and a husband out of town or anything...oh IS like that! GO TO KFC!!!! ;)

meacham said...
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meacham said...

Rewrite. lol Say just take one day at a time and if you don't get it done that day there is always another day.
I only had two, but also worked part time and this is how I had to look at it.
Say where does Bryce travel? Anywhere out east?

Celeste said...

Hope your day is better tomorrow. I agree the only way to make it through the rough days in one at a time. Make it a pizza night tomorrow too. :) It's hard when your husband is gone. Good luck!

The Shelley Family said...

Sorry u had a crummy day :(

Shannon said...

Doesn't that feel better? Your perspective is there, sometimes we just have to let out some steam. And prego hormones don't help the irritability much, do they?

Amie said...

Thanks for all of your comments! I feel better for venting and I am sorry that you all were victims of reading it. We did go out to KFC and had a good time. There must be something about the unhealthy fat grams that make you feel so much better! (and the fact that you can just show up, eat, make your mess there and leave!!!)