Monday, April 19, 2010

Our own little Frankenstein

WARNING!!! This entry is not for the faint of heart so stop reading now if you get grossed out easily or are eating anything you want to enjoy!

Saturday Bryce took Abbey and Braxton down to a dirt track in Mona, UT for a little experience on a motorcross track. They had a blast! I took the other two kids to do errands and received a phone call around 6 pm from Bryce. It went a little something like this...

Amie: "Hello! What's up?"
Bryce: "What are you up to? Are you still in Park City?"
Amie: "Yeah, I am just letting Landen play at the park for a minute. Are you guys still riding?"
Bryce: "We are done now. I think we might need to take Braxton to the doctor."
Amie: "WHAT?! What's wrong?!"
Bryce: "I think he might need some stiches in his finger. I am not sure. It is pretty deep."
Amie: "What happened?!"
Bryce: "He wrecked on his motorbike and cut his finger."
Amie: "The doctor's office just closed. We need to go to the insta care."
Bryce: "Ok. We are just about to load up everything. I will call you when I get service on my own phone."
**Bryce must have sensed panic in my voice cause then he instantly said...
Bryce: "Don't worry. He is ok."

Bryce hung up and I gathered my stuff up and headed home. Almost 45 minutes later I get a hold of Bryce and they are still in Santaquin! They had carpooled with some people down there and had to wait for a ride back home. Luckily a friend was on his way to Lehi and gave them a lift home. It is now after 7:30 pm and the kids come home FILTHY dirty and STARVING! After a microwaved corndog we headed off to the insta care. I couldn't see how bad Braxton's finger was cause it was wrapped in gauze, courtesy of Allen Bezzant. Now you can see for yourself what it looked like!

Picture #1: Can you see that the end of his finger and his whole fingernail are hanging off the end of his finger? If you look closely you can see how thick his skin and such is on the right.

Picture #2: The doctor is trying to get the finger back into place to be able to sew it on right. His finger was so badly mangled that they had a hard time.
Picture #3: The finished product. The doctor had to burn holes in to his fingernail to be able to attach his finger back on. The skin kept tearing and wouldn't hold otherwise.

Braxton was SOOOO brave! He screamed his head off when they had to unwrap the gauze to get an initial look. Even with the large amount of neosporine that was put on it, the gauze had stuck to his wound a bit. I was dying out in the waiting room. It was heart wrenching to hear him screaming and there wasn't anything I could do about it. That is when I called my mom to come get Abbey and Landen so I could go back into the room with him too. I couldn't just sit back and let Bryce be the only one involved.

Braxton screamed his head off again when they had to give him the shot to numb his finger but he held his hand absolutely still. The poor kid was scared to death. Dr. Robbins and the nurse were so good and patient with him. It took them over an hour to stitch it all up. We then had an x-ray done to make sure he hadn't broken his finger too since he would jerk and scream if you touched any part of his finger at all. The x-ray came back fine. I think that he was just scared it was going to hurt if we touched it at all.

We finally left the clinic at 10:30 pm. Bryce dropped us off at home so I could get Braxton to bed. He then had to drive to Provo to the closest 24 hour pharmacy to get the prescriptions filled. We all finally made it to bed sometime after midnight. I don't think that our heads had even hit the pillow before we were asleep.

We have no idea exactly how he hurt his finger so badly. There are no holes or tears in his motorbike gloves and really no other injuries on Braxton. I guess his wreck wasn't really that bad either. No matter what, I think Braxton will always remember his first set of stitches.

Braxton is doing amazingly well. The doctor warned us about how bad it would hurt when it came unnumb and what to expect in the following days. We gave Braxton medicine that night and he hasn't said one peep about pain this entire time! HOLY COW!! Let's hope he doesn't mind it when they pull the stitches out on Saturday!

Our streak of good luck is over. Our kids have now have had a broken bone and stitches. All within 2 weeks of each other! I think I need to bubble wrap them up before letting them get out of bed now!


Cristy said...

Wow- you weren't kidding! Those are some amazing pictures. Maybe I have a weaker stomach than I thought! Poor little guy! I'm glad to hear that he hasn't complained about pain too much. I'll have to come check it out after he gets his stitches out. CRAZY!

Rands Family said...

That is really bad. I hope that he will get better soon. That did look like it really hurt. He will probalby be back to normal soon if he is anything like his dad. LOL!

Toad said...

OUCH! I'm so sorry about your boy. I don't even want to think about my boy having an injury like that. At least he is ok, and tough too! Good Luck with all that.

The Shelley Family said...

Braxton is one brave kid! I love how Bryce totally downplays how bad it really is, so as not to freak you out too bad!
Has his fingernail stayed on?

Bethie said...

poor kiddo!!! silly dirtbikes:)

that is always how Jonah's injuries have been, the wrecks don't look that bad but the end result is always bad.
one example:(simple tabletop- which he had done 30 times that day- and he now has a 6 inch metal plate in his ankle with 20 screws)
I hope he is doing great now:)