Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On a more positve note...

I didn't mean for my last entry to sound so negative or depressing. I just want to remember a bit about what my daily life is like this very second. I always think that I will remember everything and I don't!

Anyway- a few exciting things from this week! We finally found a new car! On Friday we bought a white 2006 Toyota Sequoia. It has only taken us a few months of looking but we are picky! I am excited that it came with a grey interior and it seems nice so far! I would take a picture of it but we drove it to Idaho this weekend and it is dirty. I need to get it washed and take a picture. We have had some sort of stomach bug around our house this week and some of these little extras just dropped off the important "to do" list.

Braxton had his kindergarten check-up and shots today. He did really well and was very brave. He weighed in just over 43 lbs and a hair shy of 46". This puts his height at the 88th percentile for his age and his weight around the 60th percentile range. He is growing up so much!

I also had a check-up for the baby as well. I am measuring well and the baby still has a good heartbeat. The doctor thinks he will be about 8 lbs so delivery should be cake! I have one more 2-week appointment and then it is every week from there! AHHHHH! I feel so unprepared! I had to go to walmart and pick up a package of binkis and some nursing pads to help me feel a big better. I need to sit down and make my list of stuff I still need and just go shopping so I won't panic anymore. I try to remind myself that I will have an extra week or two since I am sure this baby will be late but that doesn't help the OCD side in me that wants everything organized and in place well before it is needed.

One other good appointment I had today was the orthodontist! I don't have to wear the obnoxious rubber bands during the day time anymore! My midline (the line between my two front teeth) has finally lined up on top and bottom!!! It was nice to eat dinner tonight and be able to open my mouth as far as I wanted without getting snapped in the lips with my rubber band breaking on me! What will my family do for mid-dinner entertainment now?

It was nice to have a good day. They boys both behaved very well at all of our appointments and we were lucky enough to have Bryce's dad down here from Idaho for a visit. The kids absolutely love him to death! (And so do Bryce and I.) Braxton went to bed all teary-eyed that he didn't get to have a "guys night" with Grandpa cause Bryce hogged him all day. Tim was sweet enough to promise him one-on-one time tomorrow right after preschool. Braxton can hardly wait!

Oh- one more thing that I always want to remember. Abbey loves to leave secret notes or treats for people. Today there was a little snack sized back stuck on the front door w/ a magnet for me. Inside were two tiny pieces of air heads with a note from a secret person. She thinks that she is so tricky and sneaky. Not even two seconds after that she tells me about buying airheads at Macey's grocery store today while she was with Bryce. I teased her that the treats must have been from her then and she jumped right up to deny any such allegations. Braxton then tried to tell me that it was her and she flipped out at the very thought that she might be discovered. I just had to laugh. She is sweet of her to think of others and it is funny to watch how sneaky she THINKS she is being!

1 comment:

The Shelley Family said...

I am SO glad u found a car! Its beautiful! I cant wait to get a ride :)
haha...i love sneaky abbey!
your earlier post wasn't negative at all!
great post Amie!!!