Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Miracles DO Happen!

3 1/2 years ago Abbey was just learning how to ride the Yamaha PW50 motorcycle. She had gained enough confidence to zoom around Bryce's parent's yard on her own. At the peak of her confidence she hit a tree root, panicked and gassed the motorcyle straight into a cedar tree. We were dumb and had let her get on the bike w/ shorts on to show grandma and grandpa her skills and she burned her leg on the pipe. Never again would she get on a motorcyle by herself, until a few days ago! Abbey has been watching Braxton go up and down our road to learn how to ride the newer KTM 50. She came out and asked to "sit on the bike." Bryce was patient to have her sit on it, push her around without it on and then start it up for her to gently ride up the street. She had a BLAST!!! We couldn't get her off of it and she couldn't wait till she could have another turn. Bryce will have his hands full with 3 little kids all wanting to go dirt biking this summer! Not too bad of a deal for me!!!

Here are a few videos of their warm up laps on our road:



The Shelley Family said...

YEAH FOR ABBEY! U go GIRL! And Brax...he's a pro! I cant wait until Bryce takes them ALL motorbiking :) party time for mom!

Jeanie said...

Yay Abbey! That is awesome!

Ali said...

Yeah Abbs!!! That little girl has way more guts than I ever will... and Brax looks like he's turning into Bryce before our very eyes....