Tuesday, January 19, 2010

December 2009 Highlights

The whole Christensen Clan! Not too bad for a picture taken w/ a camera on a tripod and a timer! The adults are definitely outnumbered with 2 more little ones on the way.

The kids showing off their muscles in their new motorbike clothes.

The only thing Braxton kept asking for was a motorscooter and he was SURE Santa would bring him one. Santa pulled through and he was very excited!

Abbey's request was an "American Girl Doll" and she had to have freckles. Fortunately Santa knew that it wasn't the brand she cared about but the looks and Abbey was also very excited.

Landen was after Abbey in line to visit Santa so he also asked for an "American Girl Doll." Santa thought he might like something with wheels instead. Finally a bike of his own! He loves it and will now not have to ride something that is pink!

As close to the North Pole as we could get! We had a fun morning at Gardner Village with our little family checking out the elves and have a little treat!

Abbey showing off her homemade bird feeder that we made for our dear friend, Hannah Ormond. She loves to watch the birds from her window at the rest home.
Landen was busted eating the peanut butter off his fingers AND the birdseed!!! It happened more than once so it must have tasted pretty good! (or he has lost his sense of taste from going without sugar and fruit for the last 6 months!)

What can I say for Braxton? He kept closing his eyes when I took the picture so I told him to open his eyes really wide. I guess it was a lot of work cause I can see his veins in his neck poking out too with all the effort. He was a fabulous bird feeder maker!
It only took me 3 1/2 months to finally get Abbey's room finished! The weekend before Christmas I finally hung up her pictures and put up the vinyl on the wall. It turned out cute and we all love it! Bryce wants to move downstairs cause her room is so chilly... I think that he just likes the pink walls and polka dots!

Our family picture as we were about to head up to temple square to see the lights with all of my family!

To pass the time while Bryce was out of town, we decorated the Christmas tree. No ornaments were broken in the process and I didn't even get upset! It was a bit hectic trying to get ornaments out of the boxes fast enough for so many little fingers but we all had a good time. Landen had his favorite few branches that he loaded up with ornaments and also figured out that you can hang one ornament on the hook or string of another one. It was definitely a unique tree that is full of love, creativity and originality!

I love taking the pictures of the kids before we head to church at Christmas time. I might have already posted this pic but here it is again if I have. They are growing up so fast!!!

We had such a great holiday season!


The Shelley Family said...

I love ALL of the pictures! I cant believe how much the kids have grown up since last year! Looks like u guys did so many fun and creative things! (can i come live at your house?)

meacham said...

I love the family picture.