Thursday, February 5, 2009

Update to frustration...

Before somebody sends over the straight jacket for me to wear... I figured that I should update you on my mental state and make a correction to my complaint list.

Correction- Bryce says that it isn't him that is leaving the light on in the spare bedroom. Without putting in security cameras to catch the offender... I will take his word for it.

Bryce had no idea what he walked into last night when he came home from his class. When we met at Parent Teacher Conference last night I was fine and then for some reason...3 hours later... I am ticked off and NOT in the mood to talk. He was VERY patient with me, let me finish my blog entry and came upstairs and helped me do the dishes and picked up a few things in the family room. He then let me take a hot bath and read the Ensign. Wow, did that help! I was a whole new woman after that. Maybe it was the fact that he jumped in to help and I didn't FEEL so alone in trying to tackle all of the responsibilities of our family on my own-- cause I know that I am not alone but for some reason there seems to be a short circuit from my brain to my emotions at times (like last night).

Anyway- while I was lying there in bed trying to sleep (sometime after 11 pm) my mind wouldn't stop spinning. I came up with a few things that I am hoping will help me survive:

Problem: Abbey having a meltdown when she comes home froms school cause she just wants to watch cartoons or play with friends. -Braxton is watching cartoons and that doesn't help.

Solution: NO cartoons on at all. I am going to try and have a snack for the kids and get out coloring projects for the boys to do while we work on Abbey's spelling and math. Then after 4 pm- cartoons can come on and friends might be invited over. Also- during this time I need to be aware that I can't plan on getting anything done off of my list cause it is "kid's" time right now. Unless it is an emergency- I probably won't answer the phone either.

Problem: Not keeping my spiritual cup full- not reading the scriptures consistently.

Solution: Since I need time to sit down at night and by the time we go to bed I am exhausted... I am going to try to have scripture study right after the kids go to bed (around 8) at the dining room table (or the office if Bryce is watching tv) so that I won't fall asleep and can possibly really dive into the scriptures. I read a good article in the February Ensign last night about really studying the scriptures and I think that one article alone was the reason I needed to pick up the Ensign to read instead of catching up on my Better Homes and Gardens Magazines.

As far as the house goes... it always works out and some days I have more energy to do more projects than others and I am glad that my house is generally clean- not perfect like I want- but clean.

I also realized that one thing that sent me over the edge was that I found out about something that I should be to on Saturday that I hadn't planned on doing and for some reason when other people try to change my "agenda" that I have planned.. I don't do very well with that. I wouldn't be surprised if Bryce started stocking up on tranquilizers for such random events as this.

Anyway- I am doing much better today and I think that my hormones have come back to planet earth again!


Unknown said...

I'm glad you're feeling better Amie...I think that sometimes we let little things build up on us until we explode! Way to think things through and to come up with a plan. I always feel better when I have a plan!

Toad said...

Glad things are better! I feel like you do a lot!!! I love your comment about taking a nap or getting things done, it's kind of like a double negative. As far as the house goes, try not to stress too much (it will all still be there the next day) Plus, the older your kids get, the easier it is to keep it clean. So you can look to a brighter future.

The Shelley Family said...

I am glad u are doing better :)

Celeste said...

Isn't it crazy you we can have a great day, get everything done we need and have time to play with the kids (face painting and all)? Then the next day feel so overwhelmed that we can't stand the pressure.

What's up with that?! Anyway, I'm glad you are feeling better :)