Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today is just one of those bummer days... I like perfection and that doesn't seem to happen anymore around here. I have been trying so hard to let go of some things because they don't truly matter in the long run of life but I am not sure if I am going to make it to the end without going crazy! Since my blog has practically become my journal you will probably just want to skip this entry till my hormones have balanced out and I am back on planet earth... until then... I am going to write down a few things that are driving me nuts in hope that I will look at the list, see how stupid it is and buck up.

1. Bryce keeps leaving the light on in the spare bedroom when he exercises in the morning and I notice is about 1/2 way through the day.. get frustrated that we are wasting electricity and risk my life to get down the stairs to turn it off cause there are a million toys on the stairs from having family over.

2. There are a million toys on the basement stairs (and all over the playroom and spare bedroom.)

3. I need quiet time each day and am thankful the boys take a nap but many days I don't have enough energy to make it through the day without a nap myself. If I take a nap- I don't get anything done and I don't get my quiet time to do get things done. GRRRRR...

4. How in the world do you spend quality time trying to help your kids learn to read and help with homework (while they are having a meltdown about not wanting to do homework) when you have two other active kids who demand attention constantly by fighting, crying, getting into trouble or just plain needing something cause they are little?

5. I don't want to get lost in all of my committments but have no clue what to drop to make time for a hobby.

6. I can't seem to keep track of Abbey's homework sheet. We have to have our own "treasure hunt" around the house to find it.

Ok. So after making my list (which I had to stop typing cause I couldn't ever write it all down and who needs to be so depressed) I have realized that I am frustrated that my house isn't perfectly clean, I am tired of cleaning it to have it go back to messy in 3.2 seconds and there are other things I want to spend my time doing! Hopefully I can go get some stuff done, get some sleep tonight and wake up in a better mood tomorrow!

I wouldn't mind if the sun came out a little bit more and it warmed up to 60 degrees! :) What am I thinking though... it is February in Utah... I guess I need to move to a warmer climate!


The Shelley Family said...

Oh Amie!!! I am sorry! It is not depressing to read that stuff...It is nice to know that SOMEONE else is having a crappy day too..though I am sorry that you are having a crappy day :(
I am ready to throw in the towel...its good to sit and write down whats bugging you...and it makes others feel like they aren't alone in their frustrations! (thats one of the reasons i am so against homework...home life is busy enough and kids are little...)
hang in there babe!

Annie Jane said...

Yes, it is true. It is nice to know that someone else is as well meaning and perfectionistic and depressed as me some days. You just wrote a journal of my days. i could copy and paste it to my blog almost, changing out a few of the small details, of course!