Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our Little Miracle

This week has been a little bit crazy around our house. I was just feeling on top of the laundry, housework and primary demands when Abbey started throwing up Tuesday afternoon. Then Landen followed that same night at the dinner table. After a few more times and a long night with Landen we thought that they were over it. They both were perky and eating the next day while Braxton and I disinfected everything that we could think of. That wasn't too bad until Thursday night / Friday morning when I noticed that Landen was whiney and wouldn't eat or drink anything. I wondered if he had a sore throat so I tried to check it but that must be a private spot for him cause he wasn't budging a whole lot when the flashlight came out of the cupboard. I layed him down for a nap and he went to sleep without the usual fight. When he woke up he had a slight fever and just layed there not moving a muscle. It seemed kindof sudden but I made an appointment with the doctor for that evening. When we got to the office the doctor told me that he was really dehydrated. Landen could only muster out 1 tear as he fought with all of his might to not have the doctor check him over. If we would have been able to get into the doctor's office sooner that day they would have sent Landen straight over to the hospital for an IV. Since the ER was the only thing open at the time they told me to take him home and push fluids as much as I could and hope for improvement. (I hadn't realized how dehydrated the poor little guy was. I just thought that he might have a sore throat.) Anyway- we headed home and he started throwing up all over in the car. Of course we were stopped by a train along the way that was sitting on the tracks and not moving anywhere. I wasn't in the mood to wait so I flipped around and took anothe route home and probably broke the law by driving over another section of railroad tracks that had flashing lights but no train. (I wasn't in the mood to be patient tonight when no train was actually moving!) Anyway- we gave Landen a little bath and he looked like a little skeleton in the tub- I was ready to panic. He still wouldn't drink a thing and we finally put him to bed. I worried and prayed for him all night. We made it through the night without any throwing up and he woke up about 5 am wanting a drink! I sat with him on the couch for a while as he clenched onto his sippy cup of pedialyte and drifted off to sleep. (He never did let go of that sippy cup the rest of that night.) When he woke up in the morning he wanted a million drinks and couldn't get enough cereal to eat! I was just waiting for it to all come back up and it never happened. The more he drank the more spunk he received and by that evening he was running wild with the best of them! I am so thankful for his immediate recover and Heavenly Father answering our prayers! I still can't believe the transformation of that little guy from a little skeleton that was laying around to my little fireball of energy all within 24 hours! Thank you to everyone who was praying for him! We really appreciate it!


The Shelley Family said...

I am so glad he got better! He is such a cute little guy :) The power of a mother's prayer is always amazing....and it never hurts to have a few other prayers too!

Bethie said...

poor kiddos!!! I am glad that everyone is back to their normal selves!!!

Toad said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through that!! I think the worst thing in the world is to have sick kids and not know what to do. We are glad he is better.