Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Disappointing Day

I went to the orthodonist today and found out that I won't get my braces off before Christmas like we had been planning on. I have slacked off a bit here and there wearing the horrible rubber bands that I need to be wearing and I think it has slowed my progess a bit. I am SO ready to be done with this stuff! I just want to go out in public without feeling like a total dork, eat regular foods, brush my teeth in less than 5 minutes and not have to peel my cheeks out of my braces in the morning to discover another cut in my mouth! GRRR!! I need to put up a picture of me from 2 years ago to help give me motivation to continue on! I guess that I can survive my third Christmas without cinnamon santas, caramel, toffee, caramel popcorn and snickers bars! I will probably eat enough pie and york peppermint patties to make up for it!


Celeste said...

BUMMER!!! It will be worth the wait in the future. :)

Stephanie said...

You poor thing! I'm so sorry! Next year bring on the chewy candy!

Cheri' said...

I would probably eat all that stuff anyway. I was the worst patient with braces but my dad was the dentist so I didn't really care! Looks like your family is going to be a lot like mine, congrats on the third boy.

Rands Family said...

That stinks. This is what I ahave to look forward too. How much longer do you have to have them on? I guess when you get them off then you can eat what you have been misssing out on. Sorry that we will not be seeing you on Sunday.

The Shelley Family said...

Awwww...Bummer! How much longer do u have to wear them? I think you look great with look great in anything!
We will make sure to save u lots of Christmas candy...and we will try to NOT eat the really good stuff in front of u!
Sorry that your plans got ruined...I really do feel bad that u have to peel your cheeks off of your braces in the morning...that is awful!

Amie said...

Thanks for all of your sympathy! I would probably be a bad patient as well if the rubber bands didn't make my teeth so sore all of the time! I can't even stand to chew up my tums for heartburn and I about gag each time I have to eat them. I don't know how much longer I have w/ braces. Probably a few more months. I am faithfully wearing my rubber bands 24/7 now so I can get this all over with!

Jeanie said...

That IS disappointing! I'm sorry!