Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Life As We Know It

Well- I finally posted a few pictures. I wanted to add tons more but couldn't figure out how to do lots at a time yet. I am hoping to keep working on that tonight. I have let Bryce do so much for me over the years that I have become computer hadicapped. I am determined to change that so I can function in society! :) He was teasing me that I was chatting with the neighbor across the street on facebook a little while ago instead of just walking over there to talk to her. Sometimes the computer is nice cause I can sit and have a conversation without even having to brush my teeth and nobody notices! (I will still continue to brush my teeth though.)

Anyway- October has been a CRAZY month and it isn't even over yet! We have had lots of fun parties and events to go to that I think I am going to crash on November 1st. Speaking of fun events... my sister, Kristie, is at the hospital in labor with little Whitney as I type! She has been there since 4 am and it looks like it will be at least a few more hours. Thank goodness for epidurals!!! (and insurance to pay for them)

Just this last Saturday we had a fun Bezzant Family Halloween Party at my sister, Karen's house. Abbey dressed up as a princess and was really mad that I didn't curl her hair up in ringlets. I don't know when she expected that to happen cause she had been to a community cooking class that morning, rushed home in enough time to eat lunch to run to a cousin's friend birthday party and then to that same cousin's family birthday party to rush home to get dressed for this family halloween party. I tried to tell her that princesses can wear their hair up and she didn't believe me and was sore about it all the way to the party.

Braxton had a hard time trying to decide what to be for this party. He just got a new batman and incredible hulk costume for his birthday and is constantly wearing them no matter what is going on. He finally decided on the Batman costume but that didn't last too long at the party. Soon he and his cousin, Porter had switched costumes in the basement. In the pumpkin carving pic, Braxton has the "Thing" costume on of Porter's and Porter is sitting in his underwear.

Landen was a cute lion. He got so darn sweaty though that we had to take the top part off for the entire party. Somebody mentioned that he looked like a character in the Chronicles of Narnia (not sure if I spelled that right). There is a guy in the movie that is half man and half horse (or something like that). Landen had a blast at the party. He ran around like a mad man during dinner to show off his freedom of not having a high chair. Then he ate as many candy pumpkins as he could get his little fingers on. (At least 10 or more!) He stomach was stained orange from all of his drool. He had a blast frosting cookies and I enjoyed eating it! I talked the kids out of their sugar cookies too after I told them that they could eat all of the candy that was on them... I just wanted the cookies with the frosting. They were sold and gave in.

Well- in other areas of my life... Bryce is trying to arrange two weekend motorbiking rides with his buddies. Actually- let me rephrase that. He has so many motorbiking buddies that want him to go on rides that there are two weekends in November, back to back, that they are trying to get him to go on. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he said, "To go on both of those rides." It sounds like it is out of the budget to me... even if it is free. I have a hard time being happy for him to go. I feel ditched with the kids. I am not sure where to find a good balance with things. We had agreed on one ride per week (I think that a weekend ride should count as multiple rides though) and he hasn't been on a ride for a few weeks. Bryce just needs to quit being such a likable guy so nobody wants to be with him!!! Since that only happens when it is time to do yard work... I am not sure what to do! .. jk.

Anyway- now that you are alseep from reading this or have found out WAY too much information about our lives... you can delete this blog from your list! I am going to go and try to figure out the slide show thing for pictures now. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Sounds like it was a fun party. I like all of the costumes too. Too bad we don't live closer to eachother, We could hang out the the guys could go riding:)