Monday, October 20, 2008

Let's get this started... tomorrow!

I have been wanting to set up a blog for quite a while now and actually have a minute to sit down and do it. Unfortunately I have spent the last hour catching up on my facebook account and Bryce has been patiently waiting for me to go to bed. I have told him about 5 times... "just a minute." It has been a long few weeks for us and we are worn out. I haven't seen anyone else's blogs so I have no idea what to do our what looks good. I guess I will learn as I go! Hopefully I can fill in more this week. We are jam packed with Braxton's birthday on Wednesday, Cub Scout Pack Meeting on Thursday, and a birthday and Halloween party on Saturday!!! Who has time for dishes will all of these other fun things to do????

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Welcome to the blogging world, Amie! Glad you're here!