Sunday, February 7, 2010

Something to be proud of...

I am in the nesting stage which means I am stressed to get things checked off my list. One thing I was given as a gift for Landen was a homemade hooded towel. I have absolutely loved it and wanted one for this baby. I finally sat down a few weeks ago, examined Landen's towel over and over and then tried to recreate it. I am not good w/ sewing directions so I just like to do it my way! Here is the result:

I wished that I had the skill to stitch something cute on the hood of the towel but I don't and have come to terms that it will stay plain. That's ok. I am a plain person anyway. I guess that if for some totally crazy switch this baby comes out a girl... I am still safe to use the towel.

One other thing I finished was adding a few decorations to the boys' room. It has sat with bare walls for a few years and here it is now:

Braxton picked out the skateboarding stickers and of course we had to add a few motorbikes into the mix. They boys seem to like it and I am happy with it. I would LOVE to buy Landen a matching quilt like Braxton's but the cheapskate in me is having a hard time justifying the money for that when it technically isn't needed. I just keep telling myself that it doesn't really matter. I mean Landen has a pink unicorn on his bed with his favorite animal, the yellow CareBear, Tenderheart. He loves them so I remind myself that he loves what he has and that needs to be ok.


Rands Family said...

I think that the boys walls look nice. I would like to finish Alex's room and add some paint to the walls and make it look like John Deer to go with all the tractor pictures that are hanging on the walls.

Celeste said...

Everything looks awesome!!! Great job. When Conrad see's it, I'm sure he'll love it :)

About your other posts. Being a mom is hard. But, I don't know anything else than would bring me the daily joys that go with it :) I bet that's nice you don't have to wear the rubber bands anymore.

The Shelley Family said...

I love love love the vinyl stickers on the wall! The bad influence in me says GO BUY THE MATCHING BEDDING! Just figure the cost and how many years he will use it and it comes out much much cheaper that way ;)
if u want to make more of those darling mother in law can put a design on the hoodie before u sew it together! just a thought :) U are so creative and your house looks wonderful :)
love ya!

meacham said...

What a very creative mom
the room looks great and the towel looks awsome

Nancy B. said...

Love the bedrooms!