Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Note" worthy

It has been 9 months since Abbey started taking piano lessons and she has finally got the metronome down! Most days I have wanted to pull my hair out as we listen to her practice but it was definitely music to my ears to hear her playing her notes exactly on the tick of the metronome!!! She is enjoying playing the piano and sits down several times a day to pound out a few favorite tunes. Abbey is currently trying to learn how to play "I am a Child of God." This is for sure beyond her current level but since she is so interested I sat down to start teaching her the right hand. Family Home Evening will get some more spice now! :) We could use a bit of piano to help drown out my hopeless off-key voice. Anyway- I am excited for Abbey and can't wait to see her talent develop!!!


Stephanie said...

That's no small accomplishment! Go Abbey (and mom for hanging in there through it all-I so know your pain)! :)

The Shelley Family said...

Yeah Abbey! And a HUGE pat on the back to YOU Amie =) It gives ya a whole new respect for mom doesnt it? lol
I cant wait to hear her play!

meacham said...

Good job Abbey. I never did understand the metronome. I never learned to count music either. For me someone has to play the music first, then I can play it. So keep up the good work. Sounds like your going to be a great little pianist (hope thats spelled right)