Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day

After getting our buntings and smaller American flags put out we headed to the PG cemetary to pay our respects. We had a good time walking through the cemetary. The kids were facinated (and so were Bryce and I) with figuring out how old people were when they died, finding veterans and pioneers.

We then made our way up to "This is the place, Heritage Park." We panned for gold, made the first page of the Deseret News' 1st edition newspaper, made candles, pounded leather, were schooled in the Deseret alphabet and much much more. We spent the day up there and still didn't get to do it all! We had a blast! We ended the day with a fun bbq at my sister, Kristie's house to celebrate her birthday. I am so thankful to all who have gone before me to pave the way for my strong heritage, freedom and testimony of the gospel!


Jeanie said...

What a great way to spend Memorial Day!!! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I've been wanting to take my family there for a couple of years now and have yet to do it. I need to get on the ball! ;)

The Shelley Family said...

WOW! It looks like you all had TONZ of FUN on Memorial Day =)
I see you finally gave in and shaved Braxton's hair! Wahoooo!
What a great start to a FUN SUMMER!