Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I was folding laundry when Abbey and Braxton came in fighting. We starting talking about being nice because they are brother and sister. Abbey brought up that she is his ONLY sister and probably will always be the ONLY sister. And then the conversation went a little something like this:

Braxton (to me): I want you to get pregant with a girl.

Mom: It is up to Heavenly Father if he sends us a girl or not. (I am not pregnant by the way)

Braxton: I know the name of the girl that he will send us, Addie.

Mom: If you want something from Heavenly Father then you need to pray to him and ask him for it. And don't you think it would be confusing to have an Abbey and an Addie in our family?

Braxton: Heavenly Father will send us an Addie cause Parker got one (his friend from preschool... his mom had a little girl the same time I had Landen and they named her Addie). Can I go in the garden and pray?

Mom: Why do you need to go in the garden?

Braxton: Cause that is where Jesus went to pray when he needed to talk to Heavenly Father.

Mom: (How could I say no to that????) Ok Braxton. You can go in the garden and pray.

He ran out the front door and Abbey started bossing him about something to do with the prayer. I missed out on the rest of their conversation cause the door closed. Not even a minute later he came back inside full of confidence and announced to me that Heavenly Father will send us a girl! ...and her name will be Addie.

I thought that was so sweet! It is amazing what he understands, is listening to and how much faith he has in Heavenly Father! I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. :)

I had to stop doing laundry right that moment and come write that down since I for sure want to remember this little experience!


Unknown said...

What a precious story. I am so glad you wrote that down.

The Shelley Family said...

so sweet :)
the faith of a child :)

Rands Family said...

That was a great story. It is crazy how much the childern listen and remember what they see and hear. Good luck on having Addie! LOL!