Strawberry Days was a blast! We pretty much had at least one activity to do every day for it and enjoyed each moment. We started off w/ the free family swim night at the pool on Monday, free concert and free strawberries 'n cream on Tuesday, children's parade and carnival on Wednesday night, a day to ourselves on Thursday night (I had other obligations), Huck Finn Days on Friday morning w/ a fun afternoon at the pool with all of the cousins and then the big parade and a party/bbq at our house afterwards on Saturday! The kids had a blast dancing all around during the entire concert and eating as many strawberries as they could handle. It was funny cause at one point Bryce was flipping Abbey around dancing and knocked her tooth right out of her mouth! (It REALLY needed to come out!) We braved the rain for the children's parade and decided to leave the camera at home during the carnival and just enjoy watching the kids have fun (instead of stressing about taking good pictures). At Huck Finn Days there were so many activities going on and the kids had a blast doing each one. They had face painting, pony rides, inflatable slides and bounce houses, pet shows, bubble gum blowing contests, fishing ponds, donut walks and more. I think that their favorite though was trying to catch fish in the pond that they made. No luck for us but their cousin, Tyson, let them hold a few that he caught. Here are a few pictures:
Braxton had a spiderman done first and then wanted a mustache painted on later. It was a hoot!
Landen loves balls so we figured a baseball would be appropriate for him.
Braxton loving his turn to hold the poor little fish!
Ila just couldn't get enough of holding the fish! She LOVED it!