Sunday, March 28, 2010

Priesthood Power

I have been on the brink of tears all day and felt like an emotional wreck. This isn't normally me and I didn't know how to handle it. I finally got up the nerve to ask Bryce for a blessing tonight. (I don't know why it is so hard for me to ask for a blessing cause he is always so sweet and willing to give me one. I guess it is my white flag of surrendering to the fact that I can't do it on my own any more and I am not in control of the situation to fix it.) Anyway- he blessed me with comfort, the ability to handle the physical pain of this pregnancy, to be able to get the things done that I feel are super important and to let go of those that aren't. I feel so much better now. Kindof like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am grateful that he holds the priesthood and is worthy at any moment to use the power of God to bless me. Now I just need to get my brain to slow down enough to relax to sleep. I go for my next doctor appointment in the morning so we will see what he says. I will be officially a week overdue tomorrow. This has been harder than I had anticipated so it is such a blessing to know that I don't have to do it on my own and there is help from the Holy Ghost to comfort me, a loving husband to do whatever he can, family and friends to all offer me support, help and words of encouragement. I can do this! :)


The Shelley Family said...

((HUGS)) i am so glad u were able to get a blessing. u are in my prayers and i cant wait to hold this baby!!!
love ya Amie!!!

Fairbourn Family said...

You are also in my prayers and am excited to see what this little guy will look like. ((HUGS)) too. We are lucky to be married to worthy men who hold the priesthood and worthy to give it to us. I will be thinking you ALL day tomorrow. If you need anything, PLEASE don't hesitate to call. :) Love ya too!!!!! :)