Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 8, 2010

The day is almost over. I didn't know if I was going to survive the day or not! I have been completely drained of energy the past few days and with Bryce being gone to California for work... it isn't helping. I also haven't been able to get more than 2 hours of sleep without being woken up by one thing or another. Usually it is Mason waking up but if it isn't him, it has been one of our other 3 kids waking up with nightmares or sleepwalking. Last night Mason was actually sleeping really well and of course Braxton wasn't. He had gotten up several times scared and he had no idea what he was scared of. After putting him back to bed several times I was exhausted and gave in to have him sleep in my bed. I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal since there truly was space with Bryce being gone. I didn't count on Braxton getting a horrible bloody nose sometime in the night and getting blood ALL over my bed. Just when I thought that I had almost gotten a handle on the laundry. To make matters worse... this was discovered as I had realized that I had turned off my alarm and had overslept till 7:15 am and was WAY behind on getting everything going to get kids off to school. We made it to school on time and with some of the chores finished. Life got a bit more peaceful as I plugged along and folded clothes all morning. (We have tons of laundry from our Christensen reunion up at Island Park this past weekend.) I had to keep telling myself to take things one step at a time and not freak out that my entire house is a disaster and I have no energy. I was blessed to be able to take a nap this afternoon for a little while and that was VERY nice! I don't think I would have made it without it. It helped me keep my patience when Landen woke up from his nap and had wet his bed... more clothes to wash and complete bedding to clean up. I can do this. Now it is time to shuttle everyone to the car to take Braxton to karate. He absolutely LOVES it so it makes the work worth it. We then dropped him off to Porter's friend birthday party and headed home. Abbey then had a meltdown when I remind her that she needs to find her library book that is due (and is lost). Landen goes upstairs to hang up his shirts while I feed Mason some baby cereal. Not more than a few minutes later I call up to Landen to ask him how he is doing. He responds back that he has pooped his pants. REALLY!?!?! Do I need this?! He isn't done pooping but it is all over his legs and clothing. Mason is crying cause he wants me to keep feeding him. Abbey is bawling downstairs cause she is still trying to find her book (in all of her clutter). I decided to just sit Landen down on the toilet as he is still covered in poop, wash my hands and go back to feeding Mason. Mason is doing really well eating and didn't bat an eyelash having baby peas mixed in with his rice cereal & formula. (He has had peas for over two weeks now.) He did shiver and pull a horrible face though when I gave him a spoon full of just peas. I guess he is just more of a squash guy cause he can't ever get enough of that. Now it is back to cleaning and bathing Landen. He is bawling over having to put his pj's on so early in the evening but I am not about to add one more outfit to my already mounting laundry pile and it isn't that far away from bedtime.

Somehow I managed to squeeze in getting dinner fixed (meatloaf & banana squash--from our garden). Nothing fancy but tonight I just needed to have something easy. We finished off the night with baths for the rest of the kids, scripture study w/ the kids and a chapter in "The tales of the fourth grade nothing." We called Bryce to say goodnight and he talked to me long enough to get a load of dishes going before I collapsed. So why am I journaling right now...???? I went to crash on the bed and realized I hadn't dried the sheets yet. They were still in the washer from getting the blood out this morning.

It is on days like today that I wonder what in the world I signed up for when I decided that I wanted to be a mom. But it is the excited wide open gummer smiles from Mason at the sight of me, mandatory hugs and kisses from the boys at both naptime and bedtime and Abbey wishing that I could come to the school to cook squash for school lunch ("cause I make it the best ever... along with Grandma Bezzant") that makes my job worth it.

My kids are growing up so fast. Before I know it they won't be around to cause such issues and I will be ever so lonely. Landen is helping me realize that even more. Tomorrow is his 2nd day of preschool and he has told me that he doesn't need me to walk in with him anymore. He can do it himself. It makes me want to laugh and cry all at the same time. I am glad he feels confident but I wasn't expecting him to actually TELL me to not go in to drop him off! He is barely 3!

The dryer has just finished. I am now going to drag my tired body upstairs, make the bed and crash. I just pray that all of the kids will stay asleep and our day will go a bit smoother tomorrow!


Celeste said...

Oh, I'm so sorry! That is beyond a bad day. I hope today is going more smoothly and that the kids slept better last night. :)

The Shelley Family said...

Holy Cow! What a crazy day! You are going to get extra points in heaven for making it through that one! lol
Just know that you can drop off kiddos at my house ANYTIME you have a rotten day like that :)
It is a good thing that there are so many "sweet" rewards that come with all the literal "crap" that comes with being a parent =)
Porter never wanted me to take him in to pre-school either! ohhh they grow up way too fast!
Just so ya know are doing a GREAT job! I love ya!

Jeanie said...

What a day! It's a good thing you had a nap. I would have had a melt-down myself without one. I hope you took some "ME" time when Bryce got home and had yourself pampered for a few hours. Or even just took a nap. ;D