Monday, February 2, 2009

A Few Fun Things...

Saturday Bryce went for a motorbike ride with his friend, Rich, so the kids and I were on our own. I drug them around for a few hours and to two different malls in the morning trying to find a dress for Barry's (my brother-in-law) wedding. (We had no luck.) The kids were really good and patient with me so I had to return the favor that afternoon when we went to get groceries at Macey's. They were having a superbowl party (I need to mark those parties on my calander to avoid the store then!) filled with a live band, a bounce house, face painting, fear factor eating contest and much much more. Braxton did the fear factor contest and ate the mushroom that Abbey refused to even try. He downed the whole thing (and it was pretty big) without a problem and won a HUGE Hershey bar. He was VERY excited and Abbey was equally as mad that he wouldn't hand over the candybar to her once he ate the mushroom. Anyway, they both wanted their faces painted and the line was long and really SLOW. Since they were a good sport earlier that day I figured it was my turn to return the favor. Anyway- here is a quick picture of the final product.

Braxton is "Spiderman" and Abbey wanted a butterfly. She was a little disappointed that the lady didn't do a full butterfly on her whole face but she was a good sport. I wasn't complaining either after we spent at least a half an hour in line just for facepainting.

One other fun thing that the kids and I did together was go on a "picture" scavenger hunt. I made up a list of things for them to find outside and then they had to take a picture of it with their camera. I was hoping that it would do a few things: get them outside a little bit, dust off their cameras a little, sharpen their skills enough to actually get the object that they are looking at in the photo and have a little bit of fun. I had this planned for around 3 pm today when it would be nice and warm - above 30 degrees outside--(right after we played the laundry game) but Braxton decided that today he wasn't going to cooperate on folding his laundry today. We finally made it out the door around 5:15. It wasn't quite so warm and I was a bit frustrated to wait so long to go but we had a good time and the kids had a blast! They each showed me their pictures over and over and over that they took once we got back inside to warm up a little bit. I did get a cute picture before we headed back inside.

Landen, Braxton & Abbey with their cameras.


Unknown said...

What a good mom! I went to Macey's Saturday and was soooooooo glad I didn't have any kids with me! As it was it already took me twice a long as normal with the millions of people there!! The camera game is a great idea!!

The Shelley Family said...

Wow!!! The camera game was a super good idea! That will be alot of fun in the spring and summer too! I think we need to head to vegas and go shopping for dresses...just us girls ;)
I LOVE the pics of the kids...SO dang cute!

Bethie said...

what a cute idea!!! I will ahve to try that:)

Annie Jane said...

Ummm...I just left a comment who knows where on your blog! I am so confused!

Toad said...

What a good mom you are! Also--what a fun idea. I will have to let me kids have a picture scavengar hunt. Thanks for the idea!

Amie said...

Glad you girls liked the picture scavenger hunt...on nights like tonight where it seems that with my best efforts given I still fall short on things that need to be done, it made my day to come and read your comments!