Monday, January 12, 2009

Funny little story...

The other day Abbey got up early and was dressed right away for school. When she came in to show me her outfit it looked really cute on her. It took me a minute to realize that she didn't have any capris like the ones that she was wearing and I asked her if she had on Braxton's jeans and she defiantely said "NO!" I let it go for a minute thinking that she would calm down and change her pants on her own but that didn't happen. It took almost a 1/2 an hour and showing her the tag in the jeans that said "5T" to convince her that the jeans were Braxton's. She still didn't want to take them off cause they looked so cute on her. Finally when Braxton went to get dressed and realized he had no pants to wear, she melted and gave him back his pants. I wished that I would have taken a picture of it but nothing much would have looked out of the ordinary if you didn't know she was wearing "capris" in the middle of January!


Celeste said...

That was hilarious!! Bo and I were cracking up.

The Shelley Family said...

That is FUNNY :)

Unknown said...

At least she *might* be able to pull it off. This happens with Ian at least once a week. He puts on one of Owen's shirts or pants and cries and cries that it's his...